
Press release marketing is not an objective game, it’s a subjective game, and there is no fixed recipe for success when it comes to marketing a press release. There are, however, a few effective press release tips which, when taken right, are a sure-fire way for your press release to get into the upper echelon of the distribution game.

This passage will guide you through some of the steps that you can take which will ensure that your press release not only gets noticed, but really outperforms in the distribution and outreach department. But before we get into the steps, let’s get into why press release marketing requires so much nuances to be catered to.

Press release marketing entails in the concept of some traditional marketing strategies, coupled with modern digital marketing, and everything that is included in it. For instance, crafting your press kit still requires you to play with words; there’s no template for you to paste your company’s name in and call it a day.

Secondly, press releases’ digital side can be exploited to attach multimedia (like pictures, GIFs etc). Finally, on the distribution frontier, SEO and other modern-day digital media distribution practices lend a hand to allow for press release marketing to be as it is today. Since it is composed of a lot of steps working in tandem with each other, that is why a definite plan is required to proceed with press release marketing.

So, these nine steps in total will essentially guide your way through the whole process of how you can effectively get your message across to the audience using your press release. The devil is in the details, so make sure to alter for any changes as you see fit to your press release, catering to your specific topic and market. Just follow these steps and you will have, on your hand, a press release that not only does its job, but does it efficiently.

Press release marketing tips to effectively get your message out

Following are some Press release tips that will help you tailor your press release process in a way that allows for maximum outreach. Let’s begin with the first and work our way to the best press release that you can write.

press release

1. Know why you’re on this press release

The first step is obviously, writing. No, scratch that. Its knowing why you’re doing this task. Sun Tzu says knowing your enemy is half the battle won, so it must amount to something when you apply the same on writing a press release. The idea behind this first step is knowing the particulars, the details, the ins and outs of what you are trying to write. Are you writing for a black-tie event, or is this just a gaming convention?

Similarly, is your company announcing a merger or the promotion of an exec? See, knowing all this and not writing a banal, run-of-the-mill press release can allow for a better, more knowledgeable tone within the release. People will be able to leaf through the lines and know the reason for the press release; unlike a half-baked job, which requires a lot of reading and squinting before you get to the crux. Knowing what the press release is about and then tailoring it to be just proof of that is the starting point for a great press release, since this will be carried on to your headline and your call-to-action directive.

2. Make it jump out at the reader

Not literally. What we mean by that here is make it noticeable, and attention worthy. Something that grabs the attention of the reader. In a time when attention spans are consistently shrinking and are now down to seconds, your press release could benefit greatly from a visually striking colour palette, a headline that is quirky and funky, and a well styled copywrite. All of this will go a long way in making your message clear and easy to reach, hitching a ride on your well-crafted press release.

The examples provided above of your press release grabbing the reader’s attention go beyond just drafting; a good writing style and a language set that’s both relevant and attention grabbing itself can help turn that text-heavy press release into something the readers can enjoy.

Furthermore, one of the major attention points is your headline; crafting your headline or top text requires all of your writing and literary repertoire and your pithiness to condense lines of word into a phrase that is both attention-grabbing and conveys all meanings of the lines you intend for the reader to grab on to.

3. Complete the five W’s, 1 H

The five W’s and one H refers to the questions that should be answered in your lead paragraph, the start of your press release. Who, where, when, why, what and how. These are all the questions that should be answered in your lead paragraph, as it will help your reader in understanding, at first glance, what this press release is all about.

Answering all these questions in your lead paragraph will help your reader in navigating across the press release more easily. For instance, the number one sign that a press release has been poorly written is finding important and crucial information scattered all across the release text. This makes it harder for people to find relevant information easily, and access to information easily is one of the major themes that is part of a press release.

Start your lead paragraph with your company’s name, and trail off with whatever the subject is of the press release. For instance, if you are writing a press release announcing the acquisition of a rival brand, you can start off with a killer headline, and follow it with an introduction that is concise, clear and does not beat around the bush. Use your creativity to tailor the introduction in such a way that it elicits interest; not some banal start that makes everybody out of the corporate circle throw it away straight in the dustbin.

4. Stick to the format

There is a specific format that needs to be followed when it comes to press releases. This is what differentiates it; with virtually every other marketing tool, you can have your artistic liberties, but with press releases, there is a strict and definite format that needs to be followed in order for the release to perform efficiently.

These are technicalities that industry insiders know, but aren’t too hesitant in sharing. With press release marketing really taking off in the recent years, you can follow this format to make sure that objectively, you have a good press release at hand that communicates your message effectively.

Start with the words ‘For Immediate Release’. This will allow the publisher to know that the release isn’t to be held for publication at a later date. Contact information, including numbers and emails should be shared at the front and start of the document. As for headlines, they need to be in all-caps and should be in a bold font to make it stand out, clearly apart from the rest of the text. A sub-header, or shoulder, which should support the headline, should be directly beneath it.

Finish off your release text body with a boilerplate, which is essentially relevant information about your business. Conclude the text with an end notation or cross of the remaining part, and any PS’ or notes should be left after the end to a side to ensure that it is visible enough to the publisher.

Follow this format, and you’ll have an efficient information sharing press release in no time.

5. Use the multimedia option to your benefit

Modern press release tips entails in it one of the greatest gifts that modern marketing gave this sector; multimedia. TV bought us colours and videos; now you can use press releases and attach within them images, GIFs and a whole slew of other multimedia options. Hell, if your title somehow corresponds to the lyrics of a popular song, you could attach an audio file of the song sample. It’s unorthodox and unconventional, but modern marketing is all about the weirdest that can attract the attention of the people. And with multimedia, you can go as unorthodox and unconventional as you want.

Start by identifying the right imagery, the right multimedia files for your release. Colours are always a great way to attract attention, and if the situation and press release text matter calls for it, use vivid colours that attract the reader’s attention right away. Go for imagery that is relevant and supports what your press release is saying. If possible, a picture of an event or a related instance is always helpful, as it can convey the whole text of the release within the picture. You have full artistic liberty with the imagery and multimedia option, so knock yourself out.

6. Drop the boring old CTA’s

Call-to-action is one of the most elemental parts of a press release; it is basically your press release or you calling your reader to snap into action and do what is needful in this case. Call-to-actions are as old as press releases themselves, so you will need to get more creative with them if you are aiming for something that gets your message across more effectively.

Ending the press release with ‘Buy our product now’ will only elicit eyerolls from the audience and your press release will not be doing anybody any favours. Include a call-to-action, but one that conveys the message without sounding cheesy or too much repetitive. Again, remember that you can take all artistic liberties you want this CTAs, and the more better the CTA is, the better you can get your message out and across the board effectively.

7. Include quotations

Quotations are the garnish to the soup that is your press release, and a simple broth won’t cut it. Quotes, be they from the CEO of the company, or just a really popular phrase, they can add meaning and allow for a visual anchor (especially if placed properly with proper visual aid) for the reader to rest their eyes on. This means that aside from all the imagery and the text, the quote is the second most read thing after the headline. And as such, a quote requires extra attention and care from the writing stage.

But again, to get your message effectively towards your audience, a simple quote is too played out now. What the CEO thinks or what Lincoln said a hundred and fifty years ago is all too common; again, look for something that is eye-catching, thought-provoking and is obviously relevant to what the rest of the press release is stating. This way, you can provide something that is pithy and at the same time, serves as good fodder for the reader while they figure their way across the release.

8. Search engine optimization/ digital distribution

The piece de resistance of modern-day press release marketing. The crown jewel is SEO, and without it, your press release is not going to fly much higher. That is a technical part obviously, and you’re going to want to get an SEO team on it. But on your part, you can optimize it with content, adding keywords and using phrases that rank higher on popular search engines or on whatever platform the release will find an audience. This digital distribution part will then come into play, as it will be the main channel for your release to get to your audience.

9. Knowing which audience to target it with

Finally, the most important part of using press release tips effectively to get your message out to the people; knowing your audience. If you don’t know your audience, who is the product, service or message supposed to be for, you might end up pitching skateboards to retirees and watch your business go down the drain. This is crucial; market your press release to the intended and best-suited audience; market penetration will then allow for the message to be effectively sent out to the people most likely to respond to them positively. Mess up and you won’t have a press release marketing section anymore.