
Do you want to make your photos look like circles? You might think it’s hard to do that with Adobe Photoshop, but it’s not. You can crop your photos into circles in many different ways. You may want to do this for your website, your ad, or your profile picture. There are many reasons why circles are cool.

This blog post will show you how to crop image in circle shape in Photoshop cc. We will tell you the best way to do it without ruining your photos. You can still change them later if you want. It doesn’t matter what kind of Photoshop you have, you can use the same tools for all of them!

So, keep reading till the end of this Photoshop tutorial on how to crop image in circle shape in Photoshop.
If you need any assistance in your editing project you may get in touch with the creative team of Clipping Mask Asia.

How To Crop Image In Circle Shape In Photoshop CC?

Now, we’re going to show you the complete guide on how to crop image in circle shape in Photoshop cc.
Let’s get started!

Step#1: Open the Photo in Photoshop Application

Do you have a photo that you want to make into a circle? You can do it with Adobe Photoshop. First, you need to open your photo in this program. You can do this by clicking on the word Open at the bottom of your screen. Or you can press two keys on your keyboard at the same time: Ctrl and O.



Step#2: Unlock the Image’s Background Layer

When your photo appears in Photoshop, you will see a box on the right side of your screen that says Layers. Your photo is called the Background layer.


You need to change it to a normal layer so that you can make a circle out of it. Why? Because the background layer cannot have any empty spaces, and we want to have some empty spaces around our circle.

To change the background layer to a normal layer, just click on the little lock next to it. Or you can hold down the Alt or Option key on your keyboard and double-click on the background layer.


Step#3: Choose the Elliptical Marquee Tool

Usually, when people want to crop image to circle shape in Photoshop, they use the “Crop Tool“. But we are not going to do that, because we want to make a circle, not a rectangle or a square.

We are going to use a different tool called the Elliptical Marquee Tool. You can find it in the toolbar on the left side of your screen. It might be hiding under another tool that looks like a rectangle with dashed lines around it. If you see that tool, right-click or control-click on it and choose the Elliptical Marquee Tool from the menu that pops up.


Step#4: Draw a Circle on Your Photo

You may ask about how to make a circle outline in photoshop? Well! now you are ready to draw a circle on your photo. Just click on your photo and drag your mouse until you see a circle shape. Don’t worry if your circle is not smooth or round – just press the Shift key on your keyboard while you are dragging and your circle will become perfect.

When you are happy with your circle crop photo, let go of your mouse button and then let go of the Shift key. Make sure you do it in this order because if you let go of the Shift key first, your circle will become an oval.


Step#5: Invert the Selection Appropriately

Now you have a circle selection on your photo, but we want to crop everything else around it, not the circle itself. To do this, we need to invert the selection. This means that we will select everything that is not inside the circle.

There are several ways to invert the selection properly. Go to the top of your screen, click on “Select” and choose the “Inverse” option (keyboard shortcut formula: press “Shift + Ctrl + I“) from the drop-down menu.

There is another quick way to invert the selection. To do this, right-click on the image, a new pop-up will come up automatically, and then choose the “Select Inverse” option from the drop-down menu.



To see the whole inverse of the selection, you can press Ctrl and Minus (-) together.


Step#6: Delete Everything Outside the Circle

After you invert the selection, press the “Backspace or Delete” key on your keyboard to delete everything outside the circle.


Now you will see a checkered pattern around your circle. This means that this area is transparent, or empty. See the below image:


But we are not done yet. We also need to crop this empty area so that our photo is only as big as our circle. To do this, go to the top of your screen and click on “Image“. Then choose “Trim” from the drop-down menu.


Now, a box will pop up and ask you what you want to trim. Choose the “Transparent Pixels” option and click “OK“.


Great! You’vedone to crop photo into circleshape in Photoshop.


Step#7: Save Your Photo as PNG

Now you need to save your photo so that you can use it somewhere else. But you need to be careful about what format you choose to save it in. Some formats will fill in the empty spaces around your circle with white or black colors, and we don’t want that.

We want to keep our photo transparent around the circle, so we need to choose a format that supports transparency. One such format is PNG. PNG is also good for using photos on websites or other online places.

To save your photo as PNG, go to the top menu bar and click on the “File” option. Then choose “Save As” from the menu that appears. A box will pop up and ask you where you want to save your photo and what name you want to give it. You can choose any name you like, but make sure you choose PNG as the format from the drop-down list at the bottom of the box. Then click “Save“.


Finally, you did it! Congrats!! You have saved your photo as a PNG with transparency around the circle. Now, see the before and after image below:

before and after

Final Thoughts About How To Crop Image In Circle Shape In Photoshop

After following and applying the step-by-step guidelines, we hope that you’ve successfully learned how to crop image in circle shape in Photoshop CC.

Do you want to make your photos look amazing like acrop image into circle shape, but you don’t like photo editing them? Don’t be so worried, we have a team of dedicated photo editing experts who can help you.

Have any questions about how to crop image in circle shape in Photoshop? Please let us know in the comment below.

To read more Photoshop tutorials, you can visit our blog page. Thanks for reading! Happy Photoshop circle crop!

Also read: How to Make a YouTube Banner in Photoshop (Step-by-Step)

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