
Making YouTube videos is one of the most exciting forms of online content creation. Both for the creator and consumer, YouTube has managed to generate an impeccable ecosystem of entertainment and information. Their user-friendly interface, the vast collection of content, and the smart-algorithm can retain a viewer on the app for hours together.

YouTube for creators is a strategically designed platform that enables better content creation, interaction with fans, and the ability to make money. The more you learn about the science behind YouTube, the more fascinating it gets.

Making content is not the hard part. It is about being able to distribute that content to more people and get the maximum eyeballs. You can easily use an online video editor to create tons of videos, but they must compile with the guidelines of YouTube and resonate with the audience.

Video Footage and Motion Effects Templates

What Affects A YouTube Video?

The longer you spend on YouTube, the more you will start to see patterns. The videos that YouTube presents on the home page and the suggestions window are all dependent on your recent searches. It studies your interests and then supplies your videos based on this information.

This is how new videos find YouTube views. It is a combination of quality content and YouTube’s guidelines. These guidelines depend on the video’s length, the interactions with the audience, the retention of the viewer, etc.

You could have the best video on YouTube, but it will rank behind if it does not comply with the technical guidelines of the platform. Which means it will be visible to fewer people since it does check all the boxes.

Simple measures like adding a thumbnail, having keyword-heavy descriptions, using the right tags, adding end-titles, and having well-written titles will define the results. When all of these parameters are in check, YouTube will push your content to more people since it is technically updated.

What is this End Screen on YouTube?

The end screen of the YouTube video is the space where you add tags and links to encourage responses from the viewer. These could towards your channel, a sponsor, or any other purpose. Ideally, this is the best real-estate for any video to insert a call to actions; since it promotes actions without tuning the audience away from the video.

These are elements created using the tools provided by YouTube, and not on your computer edit. You will have to generate a base template or download ready-to-use end card templates to add to the end of the video, however. This template will be the outro of the video on which the links will rest. An outro maker will help you make this in a few seconds online.

There are no hard-and-fast rules about using the end screen. They depend on the brands’ purpose. The substances you add to the end screen does not affect the video’s reach, but not having one will rank you lower.


How to Add an Edd Screen?

These can be done in a few minutes if you are sure about what you want to add to your end-screen. We will discuss these elements in the next section of this article.

Step one is to log into your channel and locate the video you wish to end-card. Click on the edit button, indicated with a Pen Icon. This step will open the edit tab, and once there, click on the heading that reads “End Screen Option“.

If you wish to add end screens to a new video, you can do that too. The options will be available when the app reads “upload and processed“. Once you create an end-screen, this template will be saved for reuse.

Add the elements that you wish to on your video. The various features like subscribe prompt button, playlists, video links, or external links will be available for you to use. Once you place them on the screen, click on them to drag-and-drop and adjust their position.

You can also place an information element on various other sections of the video. Ensure you see the timeline below the video and place it in the right parts. Once the layout is to your satisfaction, click the ‘save button‘ and preview the video to check links.

Placeit Mockups

What Elements Can You Add?

There are primarily five elements that you can add to your end screen. It can be a link to a video or a playlist. This feature will encourage people to see more of your content and continue to stay on your channel. The ‘subscribe button’ will invite more users to join your community and help grow your user base.

The link to another YouTube account can also be added to the end-screen. This icon mentions collaboration on the video or promotes another account.

The last option is a website click, which will redirect the user from your YouTube channel to another page. This feature can allow you to take users to your website, your merchandise sale, or promote a sponsor.

Who Can Use the End Screen?

Your video must be over twenty-five seconds long to qualify for the end-card elements. Keep an outro of around five-ten seconds for maximum impact. End screen elements will only show in the last twenty seconds of the video.

YouTube only allows four elements per end screen, of which one must be a video or a playlist. Videos marked as “for kids” on the channel data cannot have end-screens.

Additionally, if you wish to add external links, it will only be active after you have monetized your channel. Channel monetization is only possible after four-thousand hours of watch-time in twelve months, and one-thousand subscribers.

Closing Thoughts

Keep in mind to design the end-screen in a way that it does not hamper the content of the video. Keep an additional five to twenty-second at the end of the video blank to embed the end-screen elements.

Use these features wisely and re-visit them every few months to update them with the latest content. This end-screen feature is a powerful tool to help gain more views and a better user base. And eventually, a sustainable YouTube empire.

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