
Google My Business is a free and easy way to create a business profile on Google. It allows businesses to manage their online presence with Google, including adding photos, reviews, and basic information like hours and contact info. Is creating a Google Business Profile worth the effort for local SEO? Let’s find out!

Is Google Business Profile worth the effort for Local SEO in 2023?

When it comes to local SEO, having a Google Business Profile is an essential part of your strategy. By creating a profile and keeping it up-to-date, you can ensure that customers and prospects can find the latest information about your business in the search results. Your profile will also help potential customers find you in “near me” searches, as well as display your business on Google Maps.

Having a complete and accurate profile also helps with search engine rankings. Google prioritizes businesses that are “verified” and have profiles with up-to-date information, such as hours and contact info. Additionally, an active profile can increase brand visibility by providing potential customers with more information about your business.

Having a verified Google Business Profile allows your business to appear in Google Maps whenever someone searches for keywords related to the services you offer. This helps customers who may be looking for businesses like yours in their vicinity and can potentially lead to more sales and leads.

Google Business Profile also allows businesses to respond to customer reviews, which can help build trust and credibility. Customers are more likely to purchase from businesses that have positive reviews, so responding promptly is essential for any local SEO effort.

GBP can also help you showcase your business’s unique offerings and services, as well as your business’s contact information and opening hours. This is especially important if you have a brick-and-mortar store or office, as customers will be able to use the information to find you and take advantage of your services.

How to optimize your profile for better local SEO in 2023?

To optimize your Google Business Profile for better local SEO performance in 2023, here are some tips you should consider:

  • 1. Make sure your profiles are accurate and up-to-date – Ensure that all of your information is correct, including business name, address, phone number, hours of operation, website URL, and more. Additionally, you should make sure to regularly update this information as needed.
  • 2. Claim any unclaimed GBP listings – If you have multiple locations, make sure to check if any of these locations have an unclaimed listing. Taking ownership of all the current and correct GBP listings is essential for good local SEO performance.
  • 3. Add relevant categories to your profile – Adding categories that accurately describe your business allows customers to quickly discover what services or products your business offers.
  • 4. Create posts on your profile – By adding content to your profile, you will help customers and search engines understand what services or products your business provides. These posts can be anything from product updates upcoming events, promotions, and more.
  • 5. Include images in your profile – Adding relevant images is another great way to engage with customers and give them an insight into your business.

The importance of reviews and ratings on your profile

Reviews and ratings not only help you to build trust with potential customers, but Google also uses them as a factor when determining ranking positions in local search results. Having more reviews can lead to higher rankings on the search engine’s results page, and this is an invaluable asset for any local business trying to optimize its SEO efforts.

However, getting more reviews is not always an easy task. Reviews can come from customers and clients who have interacted with your business or services, but they’re also heavily influenced by online marketing techniques such as influencer marketing, social media campaigns, and even paid advertisements. All of these tactics take time and resources to implement properly, and they may not be feasible for all businesses.

Tips for maintaining and updating your Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile is a great tool for increasing visibility and credibility when it comes to local SEO. It is important, however, to ensure that you are regularly updating your profile with accurate information and keeping track of any reviews that have been posted about your business. Here are some tips for increasing the visibility of your business by GBP:

Keep Information Accurate

Make sure that all the information on your business profile is accurate and up to date. This includes phone numbers, addresses, hours of operation, website URLs, etc.

Respond to Reviews

It is important to keep an eye on reviews posted about your business so that you can respond in a timely manner. This will show customers and potential customers that you are attentive to their needs.

Add Photos

Photos can give your customers a better idea of what your business looks like and help them to feel more comfortable visiting or making a purchase from you. Make sure the photos you choose reflect the quality of your product or service.

Post Updates & Offers

Posting updates and offers to your Google Business Profile will encourage customers to visit and make purchases from you.


Creating a Google Business Profile is worth the effort for local SEO. Not only does it help customers find your business, but it also increases brand visibility and can help boost your search engine rankings. Additionally, responding to customer reviews on your profile is an effective way to build trust and credibility with potential customers. To maximize the effectiveness of this effort, be sure to create a complete and accurate profile, keep it up-to-date, and respond to reviews quickly. Doing so will help you get the most out of your local SEO efforts.

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