
Whether you are just starting out or have been in business for a while, one of the most important aspects of your business is marketing. Over the years, marketing has evolved substantially, with digital marketing becoming more and more prominent.

In this day and age, not only are the majority of your customers and clients digital, but all of the platforms and tools at your disposal are digital too. Of course, there is always the option to hire experts to help you out with your digital marketing efforts. However, if you choose this path, make sure to carefully read their digital marketing proposal to understand what they offer and how exactly they can improve your digital presence.

If you decide to do it by yourself, you might be wondering how to go about putting together a solid marketing strategy. How do you ensure that this will increase your digital presence? We thought we’d look at a full approach to digital marketing and how to grow your internet footprint.

Marketing Strategies for Improving Digital Presence

Understand Who Your Customers Are

Before you even start putting together a digital marketing strategy, you need to ask yourself who your ideal customers are and how much you actually know about them. It is one thing knowing what their basic demographics are. Things such as age, location, gender, etc. are important. But do you have any idea what their interests are? Do you understand their behaviors?

When it comes to digital marketing, these are things that you need to take into consideration. In order to get them to convert into paying customers, you have to know how they are behaving on your website and what they are interested in.

If you do not have the resources to do this yourself, call in professionals. For example, the CRO experts at Northpeak can help you better understand your target audience and create a sales funnel that actually converts. Bringing in experts will not only help you improve your conversion rates but will also increase your return on investment.

Have a Good Plan and Proposal Ready to Go

Now that you have some insight into your customer, it’s time to start plotting that strategy. It is highly advisable to have a digital marketing plan ready to go for your overall marketing department as well as for each campaign.

In this plan, you will need to map out everything associated with the campaigns and strategies.

  • Timelines;
  • USPs;
  • Customer profile;
  • Budgets;
  • Campaign themes;
  • Competition analysis;
  • Product or service breakdown.

The plan will help you with your determine the goals you are trying to achieve, as well as how you’ll go about achieving them. In addition, it could serve as a comprehensive guide and overview for potential investors and stakeholders.

Remember, this is a working document, so you can build it up as you go along and make changes and additions over time.

Focus on Your Online Content

Content is the backbone of marketing. It is important not only to reach new customers but also to convince them to buy and connect with them. A professional online reputation management company will promote you positively to your customers whilst ensuring that your new content is of high quality and helps to grow and strengthen your brand.

From your website to your blogs, emails, social posts, paid ads, and everything in-between—don’t overlook the importance of digital marketing.

Not only is it critical for SEO, and ensuring that your brand is listed in the Google search results, but it needs to actually hook your customers and convert them.

So, make sure your content is of the highest quality. It needs to be educational, informative, entertaining, and substantial. But, it also needs to be simple to understand, descriptive and rich with keywords.

If you are stuck with ideas, take a look at what your competitors and others in the industry are doing. Don’t duplicate and copy, simply understand what is trending and what customers are engaging with and responding to and follow a similar recipe.

You can then roll that out across your channels. Campaigns should have similar messaging and themes. So, keep it going across all of your channels until you start hooking your customers.

Measure, Monitor, and Track Everything

This is an important part of marketing that many companies either do not know how to do or fail to do it. If you are not measuring the success of each campaign and each post, you simply will not know whether it is working or not.

Sure, you might see sales coming in after a certain campaign, but deep-diving your metrics will give you an insight into what is actually going on.

Google Analytics is a great way of seeing where traffic is coming from, how it behaves on your site, and where it goes to. So, does it make it all the way through the sales funnel or does it bounce somewhere along the way?

You can then combine this with metrics from your social and email platforms as well as your sales to establish just how successful your marketing strategy really is.

The Bottom Line

Keep in mind at all times that marketing takes a while. You cannot launch a campaign and expect instant results. In fact, digital marketing takes an average of six months to actually start turning over results. So, keep that content going out and keep at it!

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