
Google ads campaigns should be rewarding to your business in terms of reducing costs and increasing conversions. You should have a well-designed campaign targeting the right keywords to ensure it is useful for the searchers.

The ads speak a lot about your brand and the more engaging and relevant they are, the higher the chances of them generating desirable results. The landing pages’ quality can affect the cost per click and so optimizing the landing pages can help to reduce costs and increase conversions.

Boost the speed of your landing page

A website that takes a long time to load can be very annoying to customers and increase bounce rates. Even when everything else is okay, having a website that takes a long time to load may not take you far. Finding web design inspiration may be an excellent way to help you have an idea of how to increase the speed of your landing page.

When your visitors leave the page due to slowness, this is an indication of poor landing page experience that can negatively influence your Ad Rank. To improve the landing page speed, put it on tools such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights or Pingdom. Such tools are suitable for checking the speed of your landing page and possible problems.

According to the marketing team at Essay Geeks, Google can offer suggestions on how to resolve issues while Pingdom can support technical analysis. You can also use file compression software such as Gzip to minimize the size of your HTML, Javascript files, and CSS. Compressing the image files on relevant programs such as Photoshop can allow you to have control over the image quality.

You can also optimize your code by removing commas, spaces, and irrelevant characters to increase the speed of the page. Also, remove unused code, formatting, and code comments.

Allowing your visitors to “cache” the static elements of the landing pages in the customers’ browsers can boost the speed of the page. Later, when they get to the page, the memory elements of their browser will help them to save loading time.

Boost the trustworthiness of the landing page

A professional writer service mentions that it takes a lot of time and consistent effort to develop trustworthiness and it is a simple element that can nurture any transaction. As opposed to words, trust cannot be written but it is a character you need to develop in the eyes of your customers.

To boost your landing page’s trustworthiness, share more information about your brand. Tell your target audience who you are, what your values are, what you deal with, your business location, and so on. Share the information quickly and clearly because visitors’ attention is limited.

Another way of boosting the trustworthiness of your landing page is by adding social proof. Social proof is a psychological trigger that can take the form of reviews and ratings, press mentions, testimonials from satisfied customers, and awards received.

You can also add a trust element to your landing page. A trust element is any guarantee, seal, or security badge that confirms the security of the information you intend to share with your customers.

To prove that you are willing to support your customers, the contact information should be easy to find. Ensure that your copy does not have any grammatical errors. Unnatural language and spelling errors may be an indication that the page may not be genuine.

Enhance the relevance of your landing page

Ensure that the value proposition is the same on your landing page. For instance, if your ad indicates free delivery, this should also be highlighted on the landing page. To ensure that the value proposition and CTA stand out, allow some extra white space around them.

The quality score of your Google ads is also an important factor to consider in the landing page optimization campaigns. Accounts that have six or more quality scores attract up to a 50% reduction on CPC, while those with less than four see up to a 400% increase in CPC.

A portion of high-quality score measurement comprises landing pages. Lack of a relevant landing page may not give you a quality score of more than three. To make your landing page relevant, connect the pages with the buying intent of ad groups and the matching keywords.

Keywords are divided into three categories, based on their intent:

  • Transactional keywords. Used by potential customers to find products or services they want to buy.
  • Informational keywords. Searches for learning something or answering questions about a brand.
  • Commercial investigation keywords. For researching about a service or product.

Segmenting the keywords in these categories you can develop landing pages and ads that are adaptable to the intents and boost the quality score.

Make a user-friendly landing page

The user-friendliness of a landing page is all about ease of navigation. Give the customers what they are looking for and ensure they can easily navigate their options. Using bullet points and lists can help to arrange the content and enhance its simplicity. This gives your website visitors a better experience, especially those who prefer using their mobile devices.

Enlarge the call to action buttons to boost their visibility. If the buttons are small, it will be difficult for your visitors to spot them. Also, make the webpage content easy to share by having buttons at the top of social media pages. Rather than having complex and lengthy introductions, give the customers information about your brand immediately.

A user-friendly landing page is important for retaining customers on your website. If the page is not user-friendly and easy to understand, customers will bounce and look for a better and simpler site. Some landing page development programs have instructions to enable you to create a user-friendly and practical landing page.

Create a copy targeting your visitors

Creating a relevant landing page is not enough. Ensure that the copy is appealing and interesting to your visitors to minimize the bounce rates. Optimizing the copy of your landing page may be favorable to your visitor. They will have a reason to sign up for your offerings, it will create a memorable experience and the chances of losing money on irrelevant traffic may be minimal.

Optimizing the copy requires you to pay attention to your visitors’ needs by using their preferred words and talking about the issues they are interested in. Offer something useful and interesting because they are concerned about their problems and not what you are selling.

To encourage your visitors to do something, trigger their emotions. Emotional persuasion encompasses anxiety, awe, anger, and sadness. Triggering these emotions may allow you to create a more persuasive marketing message.

One of the most effective ways of creating a persuasive marketing message is by addressing the customers’ problems. The problem needs to be connected with any of the emotional pillars because this can draw their attention. After attracting their attention, ensure they are interested in your message and that they are ready to take action.


It takes a lot of time and resources to improve the performance of Google AdWords and save costs using landing pages. Increasing the speed, trustworthiness, relevance, and user-friendliness of a landing page, as well as directing the web copy to your visitors, can help you to achieve this. You will increase the performance of the landing pages and reduce ad costs.

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