
If you have a food brand and are working on your website, you may be wondering; do I really need a blog in 2021? This is a marketing tactic that first emerged 10 years ago. Indeed, it is something that businesses have been doing since then in order to attract customers and boost their brand’s profile. But, marketing changes all the time. Is a website blog still relevant in 2021?

The answer to this question is yes. A website blog can still be very beneficial for your business in 2021. But, this is only if you understand what works and what is prioritised by Google when it comes to ranking. Let’s take a closer look at why and elements you need to know.

You Have to Be Consistent

One of the reasons why businesses have failed with their blog and given up in the past is because they have not consistently created posts. They think that creating content every other month is enough and they are surprised when they cannot see results. But, the truth is, for blogging to increase traffic to your website, you need to be dedicated and consistent. Since this takes up a lot of time and effort, this is why a lot of food brands work with a marketing agency. This allows there to be a dedicated team that constantly update the blog with new and trending content. This is going to be what delivers results.

You Need Quality Over Quantity

One of the biggest mistakes that food brands make when it comes to blogging is churning out substandard blog posts. In order words, they think that they are going to achieve success by keyword stuffing and creating new articles every day. There is the belief that this can move you up on the search engine results page. But, while this might have worked several years ago, it is not going to work in 2021. The focus is on quality and not quantity. In other words, Google wants to be full of quality posts that are going to help people. So, this has to be the focus for your food brand too.

Make Content Unique

There are a lot of blogs out there. Indeed, a lot of food brands have them. To ensure that your blog is going to be successful in 2021, you have to make sure that you are creating content that is individual and unique. Churning out the same blog posts and copies of other food brands is not going to work anymore. Instead, you need to put a lot of effort in to create unique content. This should be information people want to read and that can help you become an authority in the space. This can mean that blog posts take longer to research and write. But, it will be worth it.

Keep it Casual

When you ask something about a topic that interests them, they will be able to comfortably talk about it and their passion comes through. But, if you ask someone to write about something, this can be a lot more difficult for them. What can result is stiff writing that does not flow because they are trying too hard.

What you have to remember with blog writing is that you can write as you talk. This is going to be a lot easier and more enjoyable to read. It is something that you can keep casual and it does not have to show off your finest writing skills. Again, the focus should be on creating content that people want to read. It does not have to be perfect and read like something you would find in a scientific journal.

Create a Structure

When you are creating a blog post, there is a real danger that people will not stick around and read it until the end. It can be difficult to keep your audience engaged but this does not mean it is impossible. Having a structure for your blog posts can make all the difference. If your audience finds a sea of words on the page, this is going to put them off. But, if it is broken up with images and videos, this makes the content easier to digest. Therefore, have an attractive structure for your blog posts. When it looks good, people are more likely to keep reading. Images are a good way to engage the audience and you can also include lists and short paragraphs.

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