
What are some of the ranking factors which affect search engine optimization (SEO)? Well, it’s not one or two; they’re a collection of signals and components that search engine bots use to determine where you should appear on their results page, whether on the first, second, or third page.

Why is it critical for your company to have a high ranking in the search engine results section? It makes your company visible to your target consumers and generates organic leads, a cost-effective and long-term strategy. If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency in Singapore, continue to read this article.

4 Aspects That Affect Your SEO Ranking!

Here are the aspects that impact your ranking if you’re a beginner to SEO and want to get a sense of how they work:

1. Content

The material on your website that influences the user experience is referred to as content. When it comes to SEO, content may refer to a variety of things. Written articles, videos, photos, infographics, and even audio content such as podcasts can all be considered.

The most prevalent content is written articles, which is a crucial component in Google’s decision to rank your website.

It’s worth noting, though, that Google’s search engine bots don’t rate all written material equally. Instead, the bots rate them based on their quality, relevance, and reader utility. These are measures of how high-quality your material is. You must write with your readership in mind for Google to recognize that the information on your website is of good quality. Will your target audience be able to read and comprehend the content readily? Is the data able to solve a problem or provide an answer to a question? Is the information valuable to the people who are reading it?

Google can identify how in-depth your information is on a specific topic using Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). All experts have to do is look at how many cluster terms are used in your sector, and how many of those are in your product.

Furthermore, the length of the post will be considered. Previously, a website might be effectively ranked with an article of 500 words or fewer. Unfortunately, things have changed, and to pitch to search engines, you now need to publish lengthy articles with more than 2000 words. For your content needs, refer to one of the top Digital marketing companies in Singapore.

Another important aspect that Google considers when determining whether or not your material is of sufficient quality is its recency. This is mainly for websites, such as news, economics, technologies, and a few others that must be updated frequently to be relevant to readers. Even if the article is of excellent quality, outdated material will be useless to the reader.

2. Inbound links

Google analyses backlinks to judge the quality and relevance of your website’s content. When you can acquire high-grade authority sites to link to your website, Google notices and considers your site to be of high quality. Getting a lot of low-quality sites to hyperlink to your website, on the other hand, adds no value to your SEO score. You may get punished by Google.

Offering guest blogs for high-quality, authoritative websites is another technique to persuade them to connect to your site. You must, however, ensure that they are pertinent to your industry. All of your backlink and inbound link problems will be solved if you contact a digital marketing agency in Singapore to cater to your needs.

Infographics are visually appealing pieces of material that may entice other websites to link back to you. Other websites will automatically want to piggyback on your content by connecting to you to post reliable statistical data with visually beautiful infographics.

If you wish to employ reciprocal linking for creating backlinks, be cautious. Reciprocal links, sometimes known as “traded” connections, were a prominent link development strategy but have fallen out of favor in recent years. It’s a kind of trade-off system. However, reciprocal links exist on websites now in a different form than they did 20 years ago. You could be wondering whether reciprocal links benefit or harm your SEO efforts.

Focus on SEO tactics that are far less dangerous if you want to enhance your website’s rating without getting punished by search engines like Google. One factor to bear in mind when creating links is that your connections should improve your customers’ experience on your website.

3. User Interaction

The whole experience of a person who interacts with your website is referred to as user experience. It’s great if people can easily browse your website, but it’s terrible if they can’t comprehend it or get the information they need. Several things influence the effectiveness of your user experience. All elements to consider are click-through rates, departure rates, bounce rates, and time invested on the page.

Google utilizes a machine learning technique to assess the quality of your website’s customer experience.

The following are some of the aspects that influence the quality of a user’s experience:

  • Reactivity on mobile
  • Page loading time
  • Relevance of a website
  • The usefulness of the content

4. Responsiveness to Mobile Devices

Internet users are gradually turning to mobile to access the internet, according to mobile responsiveness figures. This also applies to your intended audience. This implies that if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you risk losing your target audience’s interest.

Prioritizing responsive design strategies will enhance your website’s SEO. These may include resizing pictures and checking mobile-friendliness regularly. Google may not deem your website mobile-friendly for a variety of reasons.

  • Your website’s text is too tiny.
  • There are too many linkages together.
  • Your mobile’s perspective isn’t configured.


Refer to one of the top Digital marketing companies in Singapore for all of your SEO requirements. Bear in mind that your target market has a lot of choices. Give them a cause to remain reading your website’s content by making it mobile-friendly, and they’ll have no reason to proceed to the following accessible website.

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